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Marketing Scams


We’ll occasionally place details of scams in the marketplace here. You can watch for updates in our social media presence or check back here occasionally to see warnings and alerts.

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Tis the season for end of year business related scams.
These crop up every year in a variety of forms intending to get lost in the shuffle of holiday thoughts and year end closeouts in AR departments. In the past, they’d appear in the mail looking like legitimate invoices for scammy directories or supplies but now, they’re even too lazy to regular mail (and possibly thinking, mistakenly, that if they don’t send through the mail they can’t be prosecuted for mail fraud) and instead trying to rely on businesses growing preference for paperless billing. They’ll be showing up in your email boxes sporting legitimate looking names with invoices attached and links to go and pay for your business ad.

Except there is nothing legitimate or even of value being offered, just scams. In fact, even today’s legitimate phone and business directories have very little to offer in the way of results by comparison to what you can achieve through independent marketing plans that can utilize the entire realm of media available to you. It’s just not the way people get information anymore.

So beware of the scams, report them if you like and save your hard earned business cash for things that will actually give you a return. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from your friends at DDA Media!

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